Conquer Social Media: The Ultimate Cross-Posting Guide

Do you feel overwhelmed by the growing list of social media platforms your brand uses? Maybe you have a great idea for an Instagram post or TikTok, but the thought of creating unique posts for all the other platforms leaves you feeling drained. 

Cross-posting gives marketers juggling multiple social media accounts a hidden advantage. It can save you time, boost engagement, and expand your reach. Plus, you can run with that great idea and find out how it resonates on different platforms and with different audiences. 

In this guide, we’ll cover the basics of cross-posting and outline common mistakes to avoid. We’ll also share some tools and timing best practices for cross-posting on each platform to help you maximize every post. 

What is cross-posting? 

Cross-posting is the practice of sharing social media content across platforms. It involves creating a single piece of content like an image or video and distributing that content on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, and other relevant social channels. Aside from a few minor channel-specific changes to the formatting of a post, cross-posted content stays the same. 

You may have also heard of multi-posting. Multi-posting involves creating unique content for each social media platform. It requires a deep knowledge of your target audience and the platforms themselves. When multi-posting, a marketer customizes a piece of content to align with the platform’s audience, tone, and best practices. 

One benefit of cross-posting is that it’s a considerable time-saver. You don’t have to come up with a different image or video asset and can generally copy and paste your post copy. If you’re looking to create more engaging content that’s relevant for each platform and audience, multi-posting may be a better strategy. Many brands use a mix of cross-posting and multi-posting to save time and boost engagement. 

Finding the mix that works best for your brand requires a little testing and observation. You might cross-post one piece of content and multi-post the other, monitoring engagements and clicks to see which strategy is most effective. 

Benefits of cross-posting for social media marketing

When done well, cross-posting between social media platforms can have some major benefits. From saving time to reinforcing your branding, strategic cross-posting can be a simple way for marketers to elevate their social media marketing strategy. Let’s look at just a few of the most significant benefits of cross-posting below. 

Amplify your reach across audiences

Social media platforms are like groups of people mingling at a party. You might have one group discussing a popular TV series, a group of sports fans discussing last night’s game, and another chatting casually about the appetizers. Not everyone wants to discuss the same topics, which is why certain users flock to one social platform over others. 

Cross-posting allows you to tap into a distinct user base with various demographics and interests. While you’ll find a younger, more visual audience on Instagram, LinkedIn attracts a professional, career-minded crowd. Cross-posting content gives brands the ability to connect very diverse audience segments simultaneously. 

Enhance content visibility and engagement 

Cross-posting your social media content casts a broader net. With each piece of content you cross-post, you increase the likelihood of drawing in new people to engage with and follow your brand. 

Here’s an example: Around 500 million users interact with Instagram Stories daily. Of course, you’d be lucky to reach even one percent of those users. But when you add in Facebook’s over 2 billion daily active users, paired with Instagram’s over 2 billion monthly users, suddenly the content you cross-post is visible to a much larger audience. 

Understanding social media engagement patterns and posting schedules is an important step to running successful social media campaigns. If you’re cross-posting at times when a certain platform’s users aren’t active, you may not see a boost in engagement. 

Save time and increase efficiency 

Marketers know creativity and inspiration come in spurts. You might feel inspired to create a piece of content, put all that energy into bringing your vision to life, and then balk at the idea of recreating content for every social platform. 

With cross-posting, a single, well-crafted piece of content does the trick. You can publish the content across platforms and sail off into the sunset (go create more social content). Considering all the time you spend crafting unique content for each platform, cross-posting is a game-changer. It gives marketers more time to interact with their audiences on social media, analyze campaign performance, and create truly platform-specific content when it’s needed. 

Does giving yourself more platforms to monitor sound like a nightmare? Fortunately, there are social media marketing tools to help simplify the process. For each piece of content you want to cross-post, you simply create a unique Bitly Link. You can then share this short link across social media channels, tracking engagement and clicks from a single source. 

If you want to customize the back half of the shortened link to make it clear where the customer will be directed to, or customize the domain for better branding and recognizability, you can do that, too! 

Consistent brand messaging 

Brands that post on multiple social media platforms should strive for consistency. Your brand’s voice, tone, and appearance entice audiences to connect and engage with your brand. Inconsistent brand messaging can confuse current and prospective customers and discourage them from engaging. 

Cross-posting enables you to amplify your core brand message across platforms. You can focus on the essence of your message and adapt it slightly depending on where you post it. No matter where your audience sees the post, they receive a consistent brand narrative. It also gives you more control over your brand voice. You can create on-brand content once and know audiences are getting the same branded experience across social platforms. 

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How does cross-posting work? 

So, you have the perfect piece of content you want to cross-post. What happens next? First, consider the platforms where you want to post the content. 

Say you want to post it on Instagram and X (formerly Twitter). While you have ample space for your post copy on Instagram—up to 2,200 characters—you’ll likely need to condense your message for X, which only offers 280 characters. Pay special attention to character limits and recommendations to avoid having your message cut off or losing your audience’s attention. 

You’ll also want to heed image size requirements. If you’re posting to X, the in-stream photo recommendation is 1600 x 900 pixels. On Instagram, feed photos should be square (1080 x 1080 pixels), portrait (1080 x 1350 pixels), or landscape (1080 x 566). 

If you have a link in your post, platforms like Instagram require a different approach. Instagram doesn’t allow links in post captions, so you’ll need to add your link to a Link-in-bio tool. Copying and pasting the same post from a platform like Facebook to Instagram will not only make your link invalid, but it may also signal to followers that you don’t understand how to use the platform. 

Keep in mind that not all content is suitable for cross-posting. You want to select content that’s visually appealing, tells a story, and that you can break down into digestible bits of information. For example, if you have a three-minute video, you wouldn’t want to create an Instagram Reel unless you plan to split the video into multiple parts—currently, Reels are limited to 90 seconds. 

However, if you have a longer Instagram feed post that includes several notable stats, you could easily craft an X post using one of those stats. 

Common social media cross-posting mistakes to avoid

For many brands, cross-posting is a considerable time-saver. But even the best strategies fall flat if you’re making embarrassing social media blunders. 

Here are some cross-posting mistakes you’ll want to be careful to avoid. 

Overposting the same content 

We’ve all encountered brands that post nothing but inspirational quotes or the same uninteresting sales and offers. These posts often have lackluster graphics and generic, uninspiring post copy. Your followers are less likely to engage with content that isn’t relevant to their interests or tailored to the platform they’re on. Posting the same content can also negatively impact your brand’s reputation. A one-size-fits-all approach communicates inauthenticity and alienates your audience. 

Ignoring platform-specific best practices 

Social media platforms are as diverse as the users that spend time on them. Each platform has its own norms, etiquette, and best practices, and brands must also uphold these rules for social media

Brands that disregard platform-specific norms can significantly limit the reach and engagement of their posts. Long-winded text posts on short-and-sweet platforms like X can come across as tone-deaf. Plus, by ignoring platform norms, you miss out on opportunities to participate in relevant conversations and capitalize on trends that could boost your brand’s visibility. 

Here’s a handy list of the most popular social media platforms and best practices for each platform.  


  • Prioritize visually appealing content like high-quality images and videos. 

  • Use relevant hashtags so the Instagram algorithm will increase your discoverability and reach. 

  • Take advantage of Instagram Stories, Reels, and Instagram Live for more behind-the-scenes content. 

  • Keep captions short and attention-grabbing, and use strong CTAs. 

  • Engage with your audience through comments and direct messages. 


  • Ask questions and create polls to spark engagement. 

  • Use a mix of text, images, videos, and links to diversify your content. 

  • Share well-written blog posts and articles through engaging snippets and drive traffic back to your website. 

  • Join and participate in relevant Facebook Groups to connect with your target audience. 

  • Leverage Facebook Ads for targeted promotion and reach. 

X (formerly Twitter)

  • Keep your tweets concise and engaging, and use relevant hashtags and visuals. 

  • Engage with your audience through replies and retweets. 

  • Leverage Twitter Ads for promoted tweets and account promotion. 

  • Monitor and respond to mentions and direct messages promptly. 

  • Participate in trending conversations to better connect with your target audiences. 


  • Share industry insights, thought leadership content, and professional updates. 

  • Engage with your network by commenting on posts and participating in discussions. 

  • Use relevant hashtags to increase post visibility and reach professionals within your industry. 

  • Leverage LinkedIn Ads for targeted B2B promotion and lead generation. 

  • Incorporate a mix of longer-form content, including professional videos, to showcase your knowledge and expertise. 


  • Create short, catchy, and humorous videos to showcase your brand personality through brand marketing or create engaging product demonstrations. 

  • Use relevant hashtags and participate in viral trends to increase your discoverability. 

  • Engage with your audience through comments, duets, and stitches. 

  • Experiment with different content formats like skits, tutorials, and behind-the-scenes videos. 

  • Track video views, follower growth, and engagement metrics using TikTok analytics to see what types of content your audience enjoys most. 

Failing to monitor and respond to engagement 

Conversations and engagement drive social media. When consumers take the time to comment on a brand’s post or send a direct message, they expect a quick response from the brand. Missed comments, shares, and messages can cause even the most engaged followers to disconnect. 

By responding to comments and messages, you show your audience that you value their opinions and feedback. This fosters connection and builds trust with your followers. The more personalized your interactions, the stronger the relationships you’ll create with your audience, and the more followers you’ll convert to loyal brand advocates. 

Inconsistent posting schedules 

We’re all creatures of habit. Your social media followers are no exception. You don’t want to leave audiences wondering when they’ll see your next post. 

Inconsistent posting times can confuse your followers and cause a dip in your reach and engagement. When followers are unsure when to expect new content, it’s harder for them to stay engaged and connected with your brand. 

Social media algorithms also prioritize accounts that post consistently when their audiences are most active. Fresh content and active engagement keep users coming back to the platform. Brands that post erratically are often penalized by the algorithm, which can result in lower post reach and visibility. 

Overlooking the analysis of cross-posting results 

Finally, don’t forget to measure your results. Regularly analyzing the results of your cross-posted social media content is a must. Neglecting this step can lead to missed opportunities, ineffective campaigns, and overall lackluster performance. 

Cross-posting without detailed analytics and performance tracking is like throwing darts in the dark. You can’t gauge the true impact of your cross-posted content and know if it hits the target without the right data. Marketers who cross-post aimlessly may continue to invest time and resources into underperforming strategies. They can also miss opportunities to focus on the approaches that resonate most with their target audiences. 

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When is the best time to cross-post on different platforms

Cutting through the noise on social media is a constant struggle for many brands. Posting your content at the right time on each platform can extend your post visibility and engagement. 

But how do you know when your audiences are most active and identify your sweet spot? It starts with understanding each platform and its users. 

Understanding audience activity on Facebook 

Facebook users are generally most active in the early morning and late afternoon hours. While the best time to post may depend on your industry, according to Hootsuite, the overall best time to post to Facebook is between 8 am and noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays

The Facebook algorithm prioritizes content that gets immediate engagement after posting. If you can catch your audience while they’re online, you increase the likelihood they’ll see and engage with your posts. The Facebook algorithm will then reward your content by boosting your reach and visibility. 

Capturing attention on Instagram 

On Instagram, the best time to post is between 7 am and 8 am on weekdays. Many people reach for their phones when they wake up in the morning to catch up on stories and browse their feeds. Instagram activity also picks up around midday when many users take their lunch break. Weekends see peak engagement on Saturday mornings and Sunday evenings. 

But it’s always worth experimenting with post times to see what times earn the most engagement for your brand. You might find that cross-posting in the early morning is successful for a while, but when engagement dips, start posting later in the afternoon or in the evenings. 

Timing tweets for maximum impact on X (Twitter) 

If you want to reach audiences on X, cross-posting during the morning commute or mid-afternoon break will likely have the biggest impact. Based on a SocialPilot study, the best time to post on X is between 8 am and 10 am or between 6 pm and 9 pm during the week. Early afternoons and evenings between 11 am and 5 pm are peak times on the weekend. 

Engaging professionals on LinkedIn

Unlike other social platforms that experience peak engagement during non-working hours, LinkedIn users are often most active throughout the workday. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday between 10 am and noon are generally the best days and times to post to the platform. However, since LinkedIn is a professional network, these ideal times will vary by industry. 

Going viral on TikTok

TikTok has a user base of more than 150 million monthly active users in the U.S.—more than any country. Many younger users turn to TikTok for entertainment and social engagement after school or during work hours. Evenings and weekends are peak times for activity on the app. 

Since TikTok is a platform fueled by trends, your approach to TikTok should constantly evolve. Creating an audio or visual hook can keep audiences from scrolling past your cross-posted content. Give your audiences a reason to comment, and you’ll increase the likelihood they’ll watch more of your videos and keep engaging with your content. 

Choosing what type of content to cross-post 

Not every piece of content is ideal for cross-posting. Content that adapts well to each platform’s format and audience preferences is the gold standard. 

Wondering what to cross-post? These examples might inspire you!

High-engagement content 

A post that has a lot of shares or retweets across social media channels likely resonated with your target audience. The same applies to posts with lots of comments, replies, and clicks. If audiences feel compelled to engage and interact with your content—or better yet, share it with their friends—that’s a good sign you should cross-post it. 

Content that appeals to broad audiences 

Your audiences should reign supreme in determining the types of content you post. Since audiences vary across platforms, aim to cross-post content that can appeal to multiple audiences. If the core message or theme of your posts is broad, you’ll be able to cross-post more of your content across platforms. 

Evergreen content for sustained interest 

Evergreen content has the unique ability to remain relevant and valuable over time. It can be a key driver in your cross-posting strategy. With evergreen content, you can create a library of valuable resources that continue to attract viewers for months, sometimes even years. When cross-posted, evergreen content is less likely to become outdated. 

Content for platform-specific features 

Cross-posting content isn’t just about making your content relevant for the audience. It’s also important to create content for the platform. You can easily turn Facebook and Instagram posts into stories. A thought leadership post that performs well on LinkedIn can become a pinned article. Certain social platforms can give already high-performing content an additional spark when you use the right platform features. 

Interactive content 

Polls, quizzes, or user-generated challenges are great for engaging your audiences. Many people love to share their opinions and show their own followers that they have an eye on the latest trends. One perk of interactive content is that it’s generally easy to create. Platforms like Instagram make it easy to create an interactive poll and get your followers to weigh in, for example. 

5 tools to make the cross-posting process easier 

Imagine cross-posting to every platform natively. This is a task no marketer enjoys. However, with the right tools, cross-posting can be done in just a few clicks. 

1. Bitly for tracking and analytics

Bitly’s Connections Platform provides valuable insights into who’s clicking your links and engaging with your posts across platforms. When you cross-post content, you can easily see what platforms are your top performers. 

Let’s say you want to determine which platforms are giving your brand the most reach and engagement. By creating unique Bitly Links for each platform, you can separately track clicks and engagement. You can also gauge the quality of engagement between platforms. 

With Bitly Analytics, you can monitor click data in real time, click totals, clicks by referrer, top-performing URLs, and clicks by location. This gives insights into which content is getting the most engagement. With this information, marketing teams can determine which content to monitor more closely for comments, questions, or feedback from your audience, and respond promptly. Over time, you can identify patterns and optimize your interaction strategies. 

For example, maybe certain types of content generate more social media engagement, or maybe your audience is more active during certain periods. This data can help you determine if you need to adjust your posting and community management schedules. 

In addition to short links, Bitly allows you to create QR Codes and branded links for your cross-posted content. These features are ideal for clean, concise social media posts that still offer robust tracking capabilities.

2. Hootsuite for scheduling and management 

Using Hootsuite, marketers can schedule posts across multiple social media accounts from a single, centralized dashboard. One key advantage is that you can bulk schedule posts in advance. If your brand needs to maintain a consistent posting cadence on multiple platforms, Hootsuite can save you significant time. 

Real-time monitoring is another great perk of Hootsuite’s scheduling capabilities. You can track the performance of your scheduled posts in real time and adjust your strategies accordingly. Hootsuite also integrates with Bitly, allowing you to shorten URLs and measure your clicks and engagement.

3. Buffer for simplified posting 

With its clean, straightforward interface, Buffer allows you to easily schedule posts across platforms. The drag-and-drop calendar view gives you a visual representation of your scheduled content, making it simple to plan and organize your social media calendar. Best of all, Buffer consolidates your social media accounts into a single dashboard, so you don’t have to juggle multiple interfaces. 

Buffer’s standout feature is its message customization. This feature allows you to tailor your content to fit audience and platform norms. You can adjust the tone and formatting and even include platform-specific elements like hashtags or mentions, all from within the Buffer interface. Buffer also integrates with Bitly, making it easier to track your social media success.

4. Canva for content creation 

Canva is a handy tool for creating visually appealing graphics tailored to social media specifications. It offers an extensive library of customizable templates designed specifically for various social media channels. 

With so many template options to choose from, Canva makes it easy to maintain brand consistency while also formatting your content for each of the social media platforms. Canva integrates with Bitly, allowing you to track your engagement in real time. With Bitly’s Canva integration, you can even create stunning custom QR Codes that match your marketing materials seamlessly with minimal effort.

5. Sprout Social for in-depth insights 

Sprout Social isn’t your average posting and scheduling tool. It gives businesses comprehensive management capabilities that empower them to understand their audiences better and create more personalized marketing strategies. 

With Sprout, you can access in-depth analytics for all major social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn. The platform’s social CRM feature lets users create detailed profiles for their audience members to capture conversation history, preferences, and other relevant data. 

When it comes time to create a more personalized, targeted marketing strategy, Sprout makes this data readily available. Sprout Social also integrates with Bitly, allowing you to shorten any link using branded Bitly Links.

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Best practices for cross-posting in a social media marketing strategy 

Leveraging the tips and tools mentioned above, we’ve created this list of best practices to guide your cross-posting strategy. 

Tailor content to each platform’s strengths 

Know your audiences and craft content that appeals to their needs and to the features of the platform. Then use Bitly Analytics to see what performs best so you can replicate your success. You’ll get brownie points from your followers and the social media algorithm. 

Maintain a consistent brand voice 

Your brand voice should be your North Star. When customizing your message to cross-post content across platforms, make sure you’re not losing your brand voice in the process. Lean on your brand messaging guide, if you have one, to ensure your core message always stays the same. 

Use analytics to inform strategy 

Data gives you evidence to support your cross-posting strategy or change it up if it’s not performing well. Vanity metrics including likes may not always tell the full story, which is why tools like Bitly are valuable. Sometimes you need to take a closer look under the hood, and social platforms alone are limited in the insights they provide. 

Engage with your audience consistently 

Missed opportunities to engage with your audience could lead to missed sales. Make your audience feel like they’re part of a community. Respond to their comments, participate in conversations alongside your followers, and use feedback from one platform to improve your content on all social platforms. 

Schedule posts for optimal times 

While each platform has identified its peak times for engagement, trust your audiences to express their preferences. The ideal time to post for your audience might look a little different than the general rule of thumb. 

When you integrate your social media scheduling tool with Bitly’s Apps and Integrations Marketplace, you can take advantage of streamlined management and tracking while also discovering those peak post times. 

People are more likely to click links from trusted brands and URLs. Branded links can also help build awareness with your audience. To make audiences more likely to click your post links, make them short, branded, and memorable. 

Measure cross-posting success with Bitly 

Cross-posting can be an effective strategy for getting more engagement and connecting with a wider audience. As social media platforms grow and evolve, marketers who can cross-post and keep their content relevant will thrive.

Bitly centralizes everything you need to create an effective cross-posting strategy and measure your success on every platform. With Bitly’s link management solutions and analytics insights, you can use existing content to create data-driven social media posts that see results—without recreating the wheel between platforms.

Sign up for free today and see how Bitly can help support and level up your brand’s social media marketing efforts!